Monday, November 26, 2007

Last Holiday

On the 8th of october 2007 my two sons,My husband and I went to see the Fitzroy Falls which is a water fall and we also wentto see the blowhles.They are both located in Kiama which is in the south coast.I liked the Fitzroy Falls better than the blowhles .why was that? Because the waterfalls were a new experience for our family and it was like the first time we came in touch with mother nature.we saw lyrebirds, rats,baby birds and owls,but the owls were all asleep,The only thing I didn't like about Fitzroy Falls was that we had to walk for 2 hours through the rain forest..Now,if you don'tknow what a blowhoole is.well they are holes that are located close to the rocks where waves hit the rocks.The water gets pushed through the hole and up.That 'swhy they are called blowholes.The reason I didn't like them much is.Because the water was never blown high enough for us to take a picture.

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